Dedicated to my favorite history buff. You know who you are :)
(Or- Why an Empty Bar Stool in a Crowded Restaurant Is Never a Good Sign)
At times I just have to remind myself that stabbing people in the face is frowned upon in most societies. And that prisons are no fun. Otherwise they'd have to keep people out, instead of keeping them in.
Well, one does not just move to Holland without expecting some acts of juvenile retribution on my part. Behold- my friend Mor in her new national attire.
(or- Judas Goes to Dutchlandia)
This one was made for a good friend moving to the Netherlands, leaving us all heartbroken. For a Dutch hottie, no less. And by Odin, if he wasn't so adorable we'd be making voodoo dolls in his image right now.
When you turn 20 for the eighth consecutive time:
In case you've ever wondered where I got my charming manners and sunny disposition...